Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tam uzerine Huxley der

Arkadasim yazar insanla gecen yazismaya devam veya tekrar niteliginde buraya koydugum bir onceki yazida dediydim ki, ben soyle boyle diye argumanlar argumansilar atarken ortaya ama tam da ayni hizla kendimi yeniden duzenleyecek veya aydiracakken biri cikiverir benden once davranir. Annemin ben mutfakta fasulyeye katacak seker aranirken ve seker kavanozu tam da gozume ilismis ben yonlenmisken surada yahu diye gidip alip kavanozu bana uzattigi anlar gibi.. Huxley depoladim bugun kutuphaneden. Aldim birini eve getirdim, digerlerini ofiste biraktim. Ciktim odamin balkonuna hava alayim diye, elime de kitabi ve kahvemi aldim. Yeni banyo yapmisim, liflenmisim, bir mayismisim. Actim ilk sayfa. Huxley kafama kafama atti sunlari:

"There are many kinds of gods. Therefore there are many kinds of men. For men make gods on their own likeness.
Officially an agnostic, I feel the presence of devils in a tropical forest. Confronted, when the weather is fine and I am in propitious emotional circumstances, with certain landscapes, certain works of art, certain human beings, I know, for the time being, that God's in his heaven and all's right with the world. On other occasions, skies and destiny being inclement, I am no less immediately certain of the malignant impersonality of an uncaring universe. Every human being has had similar experiences. This being so, the sensible thing to do would be to accept the facts and frame a metaphysic to fit them. But with that talent for doing the wrong thing, that genius for perversity, so characteristically human, men have preferred, especially in recent times, to take another course. They have either denied the existence of these psychological facts; or if they have admitted them, have done so only to condemn as evil all such experiences as cannot be reconciled in a logical system with whatever particular class of experiences they have chosen, arbitrarily, to regard as "true" and morally valuable. Every man tries to pretend that he is consistently one kind of person and does his best consistently to worship one kind of God. And this despite the fact that he experiences diversity and actually feels himself in contact with a variety of divinities (or at any rate with extremely dissimilar aspects of the same Unknown God who may be presumed to lie behind them all).
Men are also citizens; there are no Crusoes. In a highly organized society, however, the citizens are apt to forget that they are also men. They come to value themselves and their fellows for what they can do in a socially useful way -as personified functions rather than as human beings. They admire those who are well provided with that kind of knowledge which I have called instrumental. For those who have grown strong on the knowledge that is life's nourishment, they have no particular respect; on the contrary, they often despise and , at the same time, mistrust and fear them."

Kaynak: Do What You Will - Aldous Huxley
1928'de basilmis bu kitabin adi, William Blake'den geliyor. O da demis ki:

Do what you will, this world's a fiction
And is made up of contradiction.

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